Let's all throw our phones in the ocean

Have I mentioned recently how much I hate technology?

Here's my suggestion on how to kick off the Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial start of summer.

Instead of the traditional 'unlocking' of the ocean that so many towns celebrate, here's what I would like to do:

Let's all gather along the shore and heave our phones into the ocean - and leave them there until Memorial Day.

What brings on this latest weather rant?

Well, there is nothing quite like being shaken from a sound sleep by a wailing cell phone. But this was not a phone call, nor a text. This wasn't even another ever-present email. This was a wailing screech.

In other words, the weather gods were trying to tell me there was a tornado warning.

Soon my wife's phone was doing the same.

Head to the basement, we were warning.

So of course, I ventured outside to see what was going on.

I've always been a sucker for a good thunderstorm, and the sky was indeed lighting up.

The nice folks on the TV spent the entire half hour of the 11 o'clock news detailing the impending danger. The map said we were basically at grond zero for this nasty weather cell.

Didn't happen. I'm stunned.

What we got was lots of lightning, a little bit of wind and a great light show.

It was that kind of day.

We were warned all day about how we were going to be facing dangerous weather just in time for the evening rush hour. That didn't happen either. In fact, it was very nice late afternoon and evening.

I've stopped trying to figure out the weather - or the way TV handles it.

For now I will have to be satisfied with the fact that summer is here, 'weather' or not we're ready for it.
