A soon-to-be grandfather thinks about his dad

As the youngest of five in the Heron clan, I am trying to get my head around the fact that I am fast approaching the age where we lost my father.

I still can't believe it was more than 40 years ago.

My father was a man of few words.

He never had the chance to meet his youngest offspring's two kids.

I find myself thinking about my father more and more all the time.

Maybe that's because come August I will do one more thing that he accomplished before he was taken far too soon.

I will become a grandfather.

I talked to my son yesterday. He and his wife are expecting twins in August.

Twins! Can you believe it.

I wish he had the opportunity to meet his grandfather.

I think he would have found him much like his dad.

A quiet man.

In today's Letter From the Editor, my weekly print column, I wrote about one of the great loves of my father's life. He was a leg man.

All four of them.

Yes, dad liked the ponies.

You can read it here.
