How Tweet It Is: A new chapter for Upper Darby police Twitter icon

People in my business have something of a love-hate relationship with cops and prosecutors.

It's pretty simple.

They have what we need - information.

They give it to us - sometimes we have to pry it out of their hands - and we publish it.

That's the way it's always worked.

But, not terribly surprising in this business, times are changing. And the way we gather information - and deliver it - are changing as well.

There was a time when we were pretty much alone in "publishing."

Not anymore.

Today every person with a smartphone is a "publisher."

That includes cops.

More and more, police are corralling the power of social media to take their message directly to the public, often times making a plea for information to help solve crimes.

Upper Darby has led the way in this field.

Their Twitter account - @UDPolice - is a must-read, and not just for journalists.

The man behind this new trend - at least it was then - was longtime Upper Darby Police Capt. David Madonna.

But soon the Upper Darby police handle will have a new master.

Madonna soon will become the top cop in Prospect Park when he assumes the police chief job there.

He's not leaving Twitter, though. His new handle is @3P_Chief. Get it? Prospect Park Police.

That is the kind wit that made the Upper Darby Twitter account under Madonna's tutelage a trailblazer.

Or, as we said on Tuesday's front page: How Tweet It Is!

You can read about it here.

Next thing you know he's going to want a column in the newspaper.

Thanks for all the help, Captain (soon to be chief).

Why do we get the feeling you're not going to be a stranger?
