Minimum wage hike? Don't count on it

Remember Sunday's editorial, when we told you not to expect all that much as our state officials start banging out a budget this week before the July 1 deadline?

That didn't take long.

Word from Harrisburg is there is a deal in the works. And guess what? It does not include a hike in the minimum wage.

Gotta give our state representatives and senators this much - at least they're consistent.

You would have thought that maybe a wage boost for those at the low end of the pay scale was the least they could do.

Gov. Tom Wolf even came up with a compromise, a sliding scale that moved the minimum wage to $12 an hour, then raise it incrementally until it hit $15 an hour.

Nope, doesn't look like that is going to happen.

That general assistance program that offers $200 monthly stipends for those with disabilities and other conditions that prevent them from working? That looks like it's getting cut as well.

And Wolf's annual plea for a fee on towns that rely on state police as opposed to paying for their own police force? That's on the cutting room floor as well.

Hey, there is no tax hike included in this spending plan. So no doubt the Republican leaders of the House and Senate are happy.
