Our salute to the Class of 2019

I tell people all the time it's easy for young people to get their names in the paper.

All they have to do is do something wrong.

I am always quizzed by parents and school administrators about how to get more good news about young people in the newspaper. They want to see their names and pictures, and their accomplishments noted.

Today is your day.

We are presenting thousands of kids' names.

It's our annual salute to the Class of 2019, our annual Grad Tab. It's included in every print edition of today's Daily Times.

For some of these kids, it very well might be the only time their name ever appears in the newspaper.

This follows on our effort to cover the graduation ceremony for every high school in the county.

Believe me, the task gets harder each year, as our staff seems to shrink with every calendar.

I have always been committed to cover graduations. It is one of those seminal moments in a young person's life.

Here's to the Class of 2019.
