2 women making their mark

They make up half of a quartet of new women stalking the halls of Congress.

No, not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her mates known as the "The Squad."

Call them the Southeastern Pa. Quartet.

And Wednesday, with the nation riveted to the appearance by special counsel Robert Mueller before two House panels, they were in the national spotlight.

Both Delco's own Mary Gay Scanlon, D-5 of Swarthmore, and Madeleine Dean, D-4 of Montgomery County, are members of the Judiciary Committee and got a shot at questioning Mueller on his Russia probe.

It was just the latest bit of history for women in Congress, especially from this region.

Remember, before this formidable twosome, along with Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-6 of Chester County, and Rep. Susan Wild, D-Allentown, were elected in November, Pennsylvania had exactly zero women in our congressional delegation.

We talk about it on today's editorial page.
