Mirror, Mirror: A note to the person who hit our car

It was not the way I wanted to end my week at the shore.

As we started hauling the stuff out to the car Saturday morning to pack up, my wife noticed something amiss with her car.

There was a piece of her driver's side rear view mirror sitting on the front hood of the car.

Nice of the person who hit it to pick it up and put it where we would certainly find it.

Not so nice not to leave a note telling us what happened, or taking responsibility for it.

Maybe that's because they also hit the front bumper, leaving a pretty nasty scratch on the car.

It's no big deal, we certainly can get it fixed. I just wonder how someone can clearly realize they have hit another car, actually check out the damage and replace the part they knocked off our car, and then simply drive away.

To be honest, this bothered my wife more than me. I managed to snap the piece back on the rear-view mirror. She's still ticked about the scratch on her bumper. We lease our cars, so we will have to get that fixed.

It left a bad taste in her mouth in what otherwise was a great week in Ventnor.

Yes, this year we tried something different. We spent the week in Jersey, as opposed to my beloved Rehoboth.

The truth is we got a deal on a pace we just could not turn down.

But here's a warning. Ventnor has very narrow streets. I'd suggest you fold your side-view mirrors in unless you want to discover them in pieces as I did.

It's not the only difference between the Jersey and Delaware shores.

I'll talk about some of them this week.
