Union's Bedoya delivers kick - to backside of Congress

It is not exactly the place where I was looking for reaction to the latest mass shootings to rumble across the American landscape.

Yes, I said shootings - as in two - after gunmen combined to kill 29 people and wound dozens of others in the blink of an eye less than 24 hours apart in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.

Oh, there were lots of statements.

Lots of calls for thoughts and prayers.

But I did not exact this kind of "pitch."

After scoring a goal in a nationally televised match vs. D.C. United in the nation's capital, Philadelphia Union star Alejandro Bedoya raced over to a live, on-field mic and delivered another kick - this one to the backside of Congress.

He yelled, "Congress, do something now. End gun violence."

You can get the details here.
