The Fall Guy

I tried.

I tried really hard.

And failed miserably.

I could feel it coming on all weekend, the realization that summer was over and pumpkin spice was taking over the world.

I struggle every year as we approach the Labor Day holiday. For starters, it's my birthday, and these days I don't need to add any more numbers in that account.

Second, I am a summer-file. I love it. The hotter, the more humid, the better. Which means this was a pretty good summer.

The downside to that is with Labor Day now in the rear-view mirror, it comes with the realization that days will get shorter, and cooler.

Soon I will again be driving to work in the dark - and back home after the sun goes down as well.

On the upside, I do have two outstanding reasons for feeling a kind of exhilarating joy I have not encountered before.

That's what happens when you hold your twin grandsons in your arms for the first time.

I wrote about it in this week's print Letter From the Editor.

I spent much of last week helping out with these two bundles of joy.

I can't wait to make piles of leaves for them to jump into.

Maybe autumn isn't that bad after all.
