Pot in the state stores? High Times

It's not exactly a secret that I'm not a big fan of the way Pennsylvania handles the sale of alcohol.

This one is really pretty simple.

For years I have volunteered my services to push the plunger and blow up this system, shuttering the state stores - oh, excuse me, Fine Wine and Spirits locales - and turning this entire process over to private enterprise.

I would like nothing more than to have the ability to shop at a place like Total Wine here in Pennsylvania.

But something happened recently, while perhaps a good move, could make that even more of an uphill slog.

State Rep. Dave Delloso, D-162 of Ridley, wants to add an item to your local state store inventory.


That's right. Delloso is spearheading a move to not only legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults, but to have the state take over the sales through the current state store system.

It's in this week's Letter From the Editor. 
