The heat is on!

Summer is over.

The Mrs. and I caved last night. We turned on the heat.

The thermometer was a chilly 64 degrees when walked in the door last night. I suggested we flip on the heat. She resisted.

Eventually she relented.

We only keep the thermostat at 68, but you could definitely feel the difference.

Tonight they are actually calling for a chance of our first frost.

I guess it's inevitable. I can barely make it home before dark sets in these days. Those afternoon drinking up the sun in the yard are just about gone.

I guess I can prepare for my five-month funk.

But there is some good news. The winter forecast from the government Climate Prediction Center is out. There is good news if, like me, you can live without winter and snow.

The feds are calling for a fairly mild winter, albeit with above normal precipitation for the period of December through February. I'm assuming that means rain, not snow.

Fingers crossed.

See you in April.
