The Why: The shifting balance of power in Delco

It is something that once would have been unthinkable in Delaware County.

Not anymore.

When voters go to the polls Nov. 5, the balance of power in the county will be at stake.

Three seats on Delaware County Council will be up for grabs, along with the job of district attorney.

Democrats will look to build on the momentum they seized the last time around when they won two seats on the county's ruling body for the first time since the Home Rule Charter was changed in the mid-'70s.

Republicans still hold a 3-2 voting majority on the board, but that could change this election.

Council Chairman John McBlain and Vice Chairwoman Colleen Morrone have served two terms and are barred from seeking a third. Councilman Michael Culp has decided not to seek re-election.

Democrats, fueled by a changing demographic that now means years of Republican dominance in voter registration, could seize control of the board.

Not only is the one-time insurmountable 3-2 GOP voter registration edge long gone, Democrats now hold the lead in voter registration in the county. And the margin is growing, not shrinking.

John McClure must be rolling over in his grave.

Last week I had the chance to sit down with Annette John-Hall and the folks from The Why at WHYY to talk about the changing landscape in Delaware County politics.

You can listen to it here.
