What a difference a day makes

So much for Red October.

We're looking at a difference of 30 degrees from yesterday to today.

The thermometer set records all over the place yesterday, as we zoomed to a high of 95 degrees. The previous high was 87 in 2002.

In Washington, D.C., the high of 97 degrees set a record for the hottest it's ever been in Washington. The high recorded at Reagan National Airport shattered the previous high of 96, which was set on October 5th, 1941.

But you can kiss the heat goodbye for the Philly region.

We had some showers start to cool things off last night. The drizzle is sticking around.

We're already down to 68 degrees, but it's still pretty muggy out there with humidity checking in at a stick 83 percent.

That's actually as high as it will get today. The high later today will back off to 64 degrees, as cooler air continues to sweep in.

And it sets the stage for a Big Chill of sorts, and a very nice fall weekend on the way.

So long, summer.
