Here's a tip: Grab your ice scraper

Summer is over.

We turned over the calendar to November, which means I can now don a light jacket. I won't relent on a winter coat until at least Thanksgiving, as I pledge to do every year. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday another dagger was added when we turned the clocks back and returned to Standard Time. Yes, I enjoyed the extra hour sleep. But did you notice that you actually went to bed an hour later than you likely thought last night, making it pretty much a wash. For me it doesn't mean a whole lot, since I only get about 4 or 5 hours of sleep most night anyhow.

The real killer will come tonight, when I walk out of the office and into ... darkness. That's right, sunset tonight is actually before 5 p.m.

But the real slap in the face came this morning, when I got behind the wheel and stared into a completely frost-covered windshield. It did not help when I started the engine and was greeted by a dashboard thermometer that read 29 degrees.

I have a new leased car that I picked up in August. And I have no idea where I put the ice scraper when I cleaned out the old car. Who knows, I might have left it in it.

So I started my ride into the office today doing exactly what you are not supposed to do - peering through a tiny spot in the windshield that I managed to clear.

How long until April?
