More on that Elaine Schaefer letter

Let the great debate begin.

It did not escape many readers' notice that I violated a longtime tenet of the newspaper business last week when I ran a political letter to the editor on Monday - after the Sunday deadline - from Democratic County Council candidate Elaine Schaefer. I wrote a blog item about it Monday morning, explaining my decision.

That did not sit well with a lot of people, including longtime county Assistant District Attorney Mike Mattson, who also submitted a letter on Sunday, which was rejected.

Mike and I had a good back and forth via email on my decision, and why he had problems with it.

He also published his letter on his Facebook page, while noting his belief that my decision was just the latest example of a media bias.

I, of course, disagree.

Today, in my weekly print Letter From the Editor, I revisit the entire episode.

But don't just read about it.

Weigh in.

Do you think I made the right call?

Or, like many in the county, simply believe it's the latest sign that I'm in the tank for liberal causes - and Democratic candidates.

And if you really feel adventurous, how about penning a letter or column of your own. I guarantee I will run it on our op-ed page.

Never say I'm not an equal opportunity publicist.
