A tale of 2 states and childhood sex abuse

It's probably the most important story no one is talking about in the region.

On Sunday a new law went into effect in New Jersey, opening a two-year window for victims of decades-old childhood sex abuse to bring legal action against their tormentors and the organizations that covered up their actions.

You can guess what happened Monday.

A wave of suits were filed in courts in New Jersey, naming officials in the Catholic church, the Boy Scouts of America and other organizations.

It marks a clear distinction from the path currently being taken up in Pennsylvania. Efforts to change the law here for years have stalled in the Legislature. Now a push is on to change the state constitution by an amendment. But it's a long process.

In the meantime, it's justice denied for victims who have waited a long time for their day in court.

We talk about this issue on our editorial page.
