Christmas is here - so is Mariah

My daughter, the hotshot lawyer, have a lot of things in common.

She was smart enough not to go into this field.

Good call.

But she does mimic her old man in a lot of other ways.

Take the holidays, for instance.

This girl celebrates the holidays like no one else I know. And like her dad, she's a stickler for tradition.

That's why it brought a smile to my face yesterday when a story about a certain celebrity crossed the news wires.

Huh? No, my daughter does not represent celebs in court.

She does, however, make no bones about the single greatest Christmas carol ever recorded.

Sorry, Bing.

Frank? Not this time?

Manheim Steamroller? Get real.

No, that honor - at least in the eyes of my daughter and her pop - belongs to Mariah Carey.

It's not really the Christmas season until I hear "All I want for Christmas Is You." And every time I hear the classic chimes that introduce that song, I think of my daughter.

But I was stunned yesterday to learn that Mariah's mega hit has never been No. 1.

Until yesterday.

That's right.

"All I Want for Christmas Is You" was released in 1994, but until yesterday it had never been No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100 list.

The highest it ever got before this week was No. 3.

Oh, by the way, care to guess how much Carey has raked in off royalties from her little holiday ditty? Try $60 million.

This one's for you, Beanie.
