Headline News: Changes come to the Delco D.A.'s office

I did something yesterday I don't normally do.

I had second thoughts about a Page One headline.

Actually, I already mentioned it in the blog this morning on the item about Stanford Professor Pamela Karlan and her referencing President Trump's son in a play on his name in his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.

I got a phone call late Wednesday afternoon with a tip that changes were being made in the District Attorney's Office.

Democrat Jack Stollsteimer, who topped incumbent Republican D.A. Katayoun in the November election, is not wasting any time making changes in the office.

You might say he's cleaning house.

In the last couple of days 11 current prosecutors have been given their walking papers. Among them are some very familiar names, including Senior Deputy Daniel McDevitt, and Deputy District Attorneys Sharon McKenna, John F.X. Reilly and George Dawson.

This is not unexpected. Everyone knew the change was coming.

As politicians are fond of saying, "elections have consequences."

It still landed with a thud.

"I'm the new district attorney, elected to make some changes in the office, and we're going through the process now," Stollsteimer said Wednesday.

It became pretty clear to me that this was going to be our lead story today.

I debated several different headlines than the one that eventually found it's way onto Page One today.

Let's just say I was toying with a couple of variations playing off the new D.A.'s name.

But with each variation, I got stuck on the 'wince factor.'

So I decided to play it safe, and go with the straightforward SHAKEUP headline.

If you want to tell me I don't know Jack, I will certainly understand.

Or maybe I'm just getting old.
