It's a big day for Bears

This morning I'm trying to figure out who is more popular - the #DelcoBear turned Dela-Bear, or the Chicago Bears.

#DelcoBear continues to elude game officials after ambling through a neighborhood in Wilmington Thursday morning. He's believed holed up in a state park outside town. Officials are trying to lure him into a trap laden with doughnuts and chocolate. I suggest Grotto Pizza, works every time with me.

On the other hand, the Chicago Bears beat the Cowboys last night on national TV, making them heroes in Philly sports, and opening the door for the Eagles once again to claim the NFC Least.

So what do you think will come first - #DelcoBear will be nabbed, or the Eagles will finally get their season back on track. My money is on #DelcoBear. With his moves and shiftiness, the Eagles ought to consider signing him.
