It's the changing of the guard in Delco politics

Just call it the changing of the guard.

This weekend we detailed some of the momentous changes that are taking place in Delco politics as we arrive at the end of 2019. First, Kathleen Carey sat down with the outgoing three Republican members of Delaware County Council.

When council convenes in January, it will mark what not that long ago would have been unthinkable - a 5-0 Democratic majority. Chairman John McBlain, Vice Chair Colleen Morrone and Council Member Michael Culp talk about their terms on Delco's ruling body, what they believe are their biggest accomplishments, and what they believe lies ahead.

You can read it here.

And Kevin Tustin was on hand as longtime Mayor Tom Micozzie took part in his last council meeting. He was defeated in his bid for another term by Democrat Barbarann Keffer.

You can read that one here.
