Playing the name game in Delco politics

Zabel, O'Mara, Delloso.

Civera, Micozzie, Adolph.

What do these six names have in common?

No, it's not a suggested Phillies lineup for next year.

This one is all about politics. Delco politics to be exact.

Three of them are very familiar names, echoes of the Republican grip that used to hold sway in Delco, including out delegation in the state Capitol in Harrisburg.

Three others are likely a bit less familiar. They are part of the new breed of Democrats that have turned the balance of power upside down. Yes, it's a new day in Delco politics.

But it's apparently not changing fast enough for some Dems. They want everyone to know their name.

Including the editor of this newspaper.

I talk about it in my Monday print column, my weekly Letter From the Editor.
