You can honor Deana Eckman on New Year's Eve

Welcome to the last day of 2019 - and of the decade.

At the strike of midnight, we'll enter into '20s.

I don't know if it will be the Roaring '20s, but I can guess there will be more than a few raucous folks out there celebrating tonight.

I have no qualms about a good party. I've been known to enjoy one myself from time to time.

If you'r partying tonight, I would ask you to do one thing as you ring in the new year. If you are drinking, don't drive.

There really is no reason to do so these days, but most of us likely have at one time or another.

Use a designated driver. Grab a cab. Today you can easily snag an Uber or Lyft with a few taps on your phone. A lot of bars and other establishments will gladly get you a ride home if you have over-imbibed.

I bring this up because I want you to remember someone who will not be around to ring in the new year with the rest of us.

Deana Eckman was killed last year by a six-time DUI offender.

The laws are being changed in Pennsylvania to crack down on these problem, multiple-time offenders.

The laws have been named "Deana's Law" in her honor.

You can read about the upcoming vote in the state Senate on the bill here.

They will come too late to save Deana's life.

But not for the rest of us.

Don't drink and drive tonight.

Do it for Deana.


Anonymous said…
Deana might have been on the small size but her strength was shown by all that she accomplished and all of the lives she touched and will continue to touch through "Deana Law". Happy Heavenly New Year my Friend!!