An appreciation of Steve Lennox

When it comes to Delco sports, some names just leap off the page at you.

Names like Steve Lennox.

We have a tendency to toss around words like "legendary" pretty freely in this business, especially on the sports pages.

Our sports heroes too often are here one moment, gone - just another flash in the pan - the next.

Steve Lennox coached the Interboro football team for 27 years. He patrolled the sidelines at high school games for 38 years in total.

Along the way he piled up more than 300 victories.

Lennox announced he was hanging up his clipboard this week at the season-ending Bucs' dinner and awards banquet Monday night.

He career record stands at 313-115-2, including 229 wins as the head man at Interboro.

It would be impossible to note how many young lives he's touched - and shaped.

Matt Smith has an appreciation of a man he certainly qualifies as a Delco coaching legend.
