Google wins the Super Bowl

For many casual fans, the Super Bowl is as much about the food, the parties - and the ads - as it is the game.

Of course, here in Philly we had a bit of a second-hand rooting interest in cheering on former Eagles' boss Andy Reid, as he captured his first Super Bowl championship as a head coach.

This year's commercials for the most part left me cold - with one exception.

I battle tech demons all day. So Google is a part of my life.

But I'm just as likely to curse the technology I swim in all day as praise it.

Right up until I saw Google's ad during the Super Bowl.

I can admit being in the news business, I actually got tipped off to what was pitched as a real tear-jerker.

They weren't kidding.

Now I'm going to ask for a show of hands. Don't be bashful, guys.

Raise your hand if you shed a tear during the Google ad, in which the elderly gentlemen asks Google for ways not to forget the love of his life, Loretta.

We all should be so lucky.

Here's the spot:
