More changes at KYW Newsradio

I don't adapt to change well.

I'm a creature of habit. I have a tendency to do the same things at the exact same time every day.

I have long ago foregone the need for an alarm clock. My body clock does the job just fine. I still set the clock every night anyhow. It's one of those ancient little boxes with the red LED numbers that stare at me from the nightstand all night.

No, I don't use my cell phone for a clock. And no, in case you were wondering, I don't know how to set the alarm on the damn thing. Go ahead, make fun of me. My wife and kids go.

I get up, flip off the alarm that never got a chance to break the dead-in-the-night silence, then grab my portable radio.

Remember those? I still have one. Runs on batteries. I flip that one and am usually comforted by the dulcet sounds of the only station it has ever been set to - KYWNewsradio 1060.

You can insert the jingle here now.

That radio plays as I head downstairs and make a beeline for the coffee maker. No, I don't have it set on a timer.

But things sound a bit different on KYW these days.

Remember, I don't adapt to change. I'm still convulsing over their decision a few months back to move sports from their sacred spot at quarter of and quarter after the hour. Sports now shows up at 7 minute after the hour. I know there must be a good reason for the change. I just wish someone would let me in on the secret.

Yesterday the folks at KYW really shook the boat.

Not only did they move into new digs, but they also rolled out a new partnership with NBC10, while bidding adieu to their longtime pals at CBS3. I'm thinking this must be a little awkward, since for decades I considered both of them KYW.

More change.

And that's not all. New voices are showing up. Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz, the weather icon for decades at NBC10, now will pop up on the radio 10 1060. So will the other weather folks at Channel 10 like Bill Henley and Britney Shipp.

All of this is part of an ownership change at KYW. They're now part of the Entercom group, which acquired them from CBS Radio back in 2017. Yesterday KYW moved into the Entercom headquarters at 2400 Market St.

It coincides with the move out of their old digs at 15th and Spring Garden, which they shared with CBS3.

Like I said, I don't like change.

KYW Newsradio has been the soundtrack to my life, the very first thing I do every day for four decades in the news business. When I hear that sound first thing in the morning, I know we've survived another night.

I guess I can survive these changes as well.
