Say it ain't snow!

Once again Sunday afternoon, I found myself in that rarest of February occurrences.

I sat on my front porch, bathed in gorgeous sunshine, and read the Sunday paper from cover to cover.

Life is good.

Unless, of course, you happen to be one of those people who banks on snow-plowing to tide you over until the spring, as many landscape businesses do.

Such is the fallout from out snow-less winter.

People like me, who have a palpable distaste for the cold and snow, are rejoicing.

If you are sitting on a store full of shovels, snow blowers, icemelt and other winter goodies, you are reeling.

Officially, at the airport we have racked up all of 0.3 inches of snow, basically just a couple of dustings.

And while we are having another cold start this morning, we should once again push up close to 60 degrees this afternoon.

A look at the extended forecast for the week again shows no sign of any snow.

I am receiving photos from readers of pansies coming up and forsythias starting to bloom.

For my winter-loving friends and businesses who bank on winter to survive, you have my condolences.

As for me? Bring on spring!
