The State of the Union is divided

Two things likely will be remembered from President Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday night.

One happened just before he spoke; the other happened immediately after.

Neither of them was especially good.

As he climbed the podium, the president carried out the perfunctory task of handing copies of his speech to Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But as Pelosi extended her hand for a handshake, Trump ignored her. The look on Pelosi's face told you the way the night was going to go.

Then, immediately after the speech, Pelosi for some reason saw the need - right there in front of all the cameras - to tear up her copy of the speech.

In between Trump detailed what he called the "Great American Comeback," heralding the booming economy. Along the way he interspersed the speech with introductions of people in the audience, including bestowing the Medal of Freedom on conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who was in the audience and recently announced he has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer.

Then First Lady Melania Trump draped the medal around his neck.

The president also took a shot at Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf for his opposition to school choice, while also delivering a scholarship to a young girl from Philadelphia.

But the two overpowering images - an handshake ignored and a speech shredded - underscore the fissure that has seized the country.

This afternoon the Senate will render a verdict in the impeachment trial of President Trump. The president never mentioned it during his speech.

Yes, the State of the Union remains divided.
