An editorial on Mayor Pete takes on a life of its own

The Daily Times is a local newspaper.

For the most part, we focus the bulk of our efforts on things that are happening here in Delaware County in our little corner of Pennsylvania.

That does not mean we ignore the rest of the world. That is especially true on our op-ed page.

Earlier this week I penned an editorial following Pete Buttigieg's decision to suspect his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president.

I lamented his exit - but not for the reason you might guess.

It had nothing to do with his age, one of the youngest persons ever to seek the presidency.

It also did not focus on his history-making campaign as the first openly gay individual to run for the White House.

Instead, it bemoaned the loss of a "good, decent man."

As usual, I posted the editorial, which are not bylined, on Twitter and Facebook.

Yesterday I was somewhat taken aback when my wife, a huge supporter of Mayor Pete, phoned me to let me know that my editorial had been noticed.

Not necessarily by anyone here in Delco.

By Lis Smith. She happens to be the senior adviser for Communications for the Buttigieg campaign.

She prefaced her retweet by saying simply, "So much of this."

As of this morning, that retweet has collected 4.8 thousand 'likes.'

It also drew more than 700 retweets, many of which included comments. I almost wish I had not glanced through them. Many of them took me to task for saying "Pete Buttigieg was a good, decent man." I was roundly castigated for the use of "was" instead of "is." They're right. That past tense usage referred to his run for the White House, certainly not the man.

I think Pete Buttigieg is going to be president one day.

Just not this year.

For now, I am grateful for the way in which he ran his campaign.

Not a bad way to end the week.

Thank you, Lis Smith.

Thank you, Mayor Pete.
