Corona Kindness: Pass it on

Call them 'Corona Kindness.'

You knew it was coming.

When things look dire - and that certainly describes the current coronavirus pandemic - we unite as a community. People band together, take care of those in need, and extend some simple common courtesies.

Today we have two such instances.

The first is a new fund being launched by The Foundation for Delaware County. They are calling it the Delaware County COVID-19 Response Fund. The organization kicked in $100,000. The plan is to partner with area business, government and community partners. All donations will go to those struggling in the community in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

Get all the details here.

Then there is the good folks at Thunderbird restaurant in Springfield. Renowned for their wings, this week they made a splash with a decidedly more simple recipe - basic chicken.

The owners noticed that chicken was near impossible to find at local supermarkets, so they decided to offer more than 600 pounds of fresh chicken breast to the community at just their cost. A long line of thankful - and hungry - customers lined up to buy bags of chicken at the store yesterday.

Several times a week, we will be compiling roundups of just these kinds of random acts of kindness.

We're going to call it Corona Kindness.

Pass it on!
