Not March-ing in like a lion

The old saying is, "March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb."

Forget that old saw. We're going to turn that phrase upside down as we kick off the first full week of March.

Yes, it's chilly out there right now. You will need a coat; bundle up the kids (even though for some reason I have yet to figure out children today seem to insist on wearing shorts regardless of how cold it is.)

Actually, the kids might be properly attired by this afternoon, when we are expected to soar into the 60s.

Not only that, but it is going to stay there for the next couple of days.

In doing so it only continues our winter-less winter.

We actually picked up a trace of snow at Philadelhphia International Airport on Friday, which prevented us from recording the first completely snowless February in history.

Next weekend daylight savings returns.

Bring on spring.
