Where are the community briefs?

Those of you who are loyal readers of the Daily Times may notice something missing from today's edition.

Each day we devote a full page in the newspaper to what we call Community Briefs. These are events, talks, shows, plays and other arts and community gatherings.

You won't find any in Tuesday's Daily Times. And they might appear more infrequently in the days ahead.

That, of course, is because of the coronavirus pandemic, which is affecting nearly every aspect of our daily lives.

It's having a big effect on newspapers as well.

That's one of the reasons we have taken all of our daily coronavirus content and moved it in front of the paywall on our DelcoTimes.com website.

We want the public to be informed during this critical time.

We also want to be able to let people know what is going on. So if you have an event that has not been cancelled, by all means let us know. Email your information to editor@delcotimes.com and we'll find a spot for it in the newspaper.

In the meantime, hunker down.

And wash your hands.
