Yes, snub is a 4-letter word

It is the four-letter word that accompanies every set of brackets ever assembled.

No, not that one.

The word is snub, the lament of those not included, or those who believe they should have gotten a better seed.

It is one of the reasons the annual NCAA hoops tournament is so popular.

Why should Delco Madness be any different.

Yes, we are hearing from some folks who think we got it wrong when it comes to our boys' and girls' brackets in our mythical Delco Madness tournament to determine the greatest high school basketball teams in Delco history.

Jack McCaffery points out some of the gripes are coming from Lansdowne, where the folks at Penn Wood High are feeling a bit slighted, and that the tourney is tilting heavily toward Chester.

Matt DeGeorge writes that the notion of being "snubbed" only adds to the conversation.

And we haven't even played any of the games yet.
